

This storage is hosted on PyPI. It can be easily installed through pip:

pip install py-crypto-params


To initialize the encryption - decryption system, the CryptoParams class is used:

import cryptoparams

cp = cryptoparams.CryptoParams()

The initialization without parameters auto generate a 32 bytes key and a 32 bytes initialization vector (as per AES specification).

The generated values are available through these properties:

CryptoParams class accept custom key and initialization vector though the properties above and using the constructor:

import cryptoparams

cp = cryptoparams.CryptoParams("d0540d01397444a5f368185bfcb5b66b", "a1e1eb2a20241234a1e1eb2a20241234")

The requisites to use custom key and initialization vector are:

  • key must be a 32 bytes string written in hexadecimal base (it is not meant to be human readable)
  • initialization vector must be a 32 bytes string written in hexadecimal base (it is not meant to be human readable)

If those requirements are not met a ValueError exception will be raised.

Once the class has been initialized, a string could be encrypted using encrypt(value) method:

encrypted_data = cp.encrypt("aieiebrazorf")
# encrypted_data contains "iW8qzzEWpWRN0NPNoOwu3A=="

This function returns a Base64 encoded string ready to be used into query strings.

To decrypt a Base64 encoded string with data the method used is decrypt(value):

decrypted_data = cp.encrypt("iW8qzzEWpWRN0NPNoOwu3A==")
# decrypted_data contains "aieiebrazorf"

It is possibile to encrypt and decrypt complex data transofming them into string such as JSON:

import cryptoparams
import json

original_data = {
    "id": 1065412,
    "user_id": 657

data_to_encrypt = json.dumps(original_data)
encrypted_string = cp.encrypt(data_to_encrypt)
decrypted_string = cp.decrypt(encrypted_string)
decrypted_data = json.loads(decrypted_string)
# decrypted_data contains a dict equal to original_data

Source and License

Source can be found on GitHub with its included license.